Licensing Act 2003 - Amendments to Application forms

05 Mar


The Licensing Act 2003 (Forms) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 will come into force on 21st March 2013 in order to amend the application forms for:

  • premises licence variations;
  • premises licence minor variations; and
  • club premises certificate varaitions.

 The amendments relate to the new ability of Licensing Authorities to introduce late night levies in their areas. As a reminder, licence or certificate holders selling or supplying alcohol in the late night supply period (a period between midnight and 06:00 chosen by the Licensing Authority) have the right to submit an application free of charge to amend their alcohol sales hours in order to avoid becoming liable for the levy.

The new forms therefore allow for the scenario where no fee accompanies the application due to the above.

The forms can be found within schedules 1 to 3 of the Regulations here.


Law correct at the date of publication.
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